March 14th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Fourteen
Recap of March 13th, 1969 Alpha Company was airlifted to LZ Mary. They were replaced by Alpha, 1-35 Infantry. Charlie Company and Recon Platoon remained on Hill 947, conducting local patrols. Bravo Company occupied LZ Swift and recovered from its hard losses on the 11th and 12th. Delta Company attacked south across a small saddle […]
March 13th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Thirteen
Recap of March 12th, 1969 On LZ Swinger, HHC and Alpha were once again subjected to an indirect fire attack. Their time on Swinger was drawing short, and plans were in the works to move the 3-12 TOC further south and closer to the action near Task Force Swift. Task Force Swift assaulted through the […]
March 12th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Twelve
Recap of March 11th Just south of Hill 947, a platoon from Charlie Company was caught up in an NVA ambush, and the ensuing firefight and extraction back to Hill 947 proved very costly for both C Co and B Co, which was ordered off the hill to provide support. Thirteen soldiers from the battalion […]
March 11th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Eleven
Recap of March 10th, 1969 A heavy NVA indirect fire attack caused over a dozen casualties on the firebase, including one KIA from 1-92d Field Artillery. An additional indirect fire attack on Hill 947 results in no damage or casualties. March 11th, 1969 LZ Swinger is targeted by indirect fire once again. The suspected point […]
March 10th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Ten
Recap of March 9th,1969 LZ Swinger is hit by a combined artillery and mortar barrage, causing multiple casualties. In addition to that, two elements of Alpha Company encounter a strong NVA force several hundred meters outside the perimeter. Snipers in trees and spider holes inflict a terrible toll on the Americans. Four men are killed […]