March 4th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Four

Recap of March 3rd, 1969 On March 3rd, Alpha Company maintained its position on LZ Swinger. HHC & Charlie Battery, 1/92 Field Artillery (155mm towed howitzers) were airlifted into LZ Swinger during the day. Bravo & Charlie Company conducted search & destroy patrols west of LZ Mary with minimal findings. Delta Company conducted a heliborne […]

March 3rd, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Three

Recap of March 2nd, 1969 Alpha Company maintained its position on LZ Swinger and prepared for the arrival of HHC and Charlie Battery, 1-92nd Field Artillery. A, B, C and Recon/Mortars convoyed from FSB Mary Lou to Polei Kleng. From there, the 4.2” Mortar & Recon Platoons (25 element) were lifted to LZ Mary. Bravo […]

March 2nd, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Two

Recap of March 1st – A/3-12 inserted into hot LZ at LZ Swinger. Casualties include approximately a dozen WIA and two KIA. One A/3-12 soldier and one 119th AHC crew chief. Bravo, Charlie, Delta, 4.2″ Mortar Platoon and Recon Platoon convoy from Plei Mrong to FSB Mary Lou.  March 2nd, 1969 The situation on LZ […]

Timeline – 3-12 Infantry Battalion Firebase – 1969

The location cited at the beginning of each paragraph was the location of the 3-12 Infantry battalion firebase/TOC. In most cases, the other elements of the battalion (A,B,C,D,4-Deuce and Recon) were in the field in the vicinity. I have noted general locations for elements in the field when possible. I have included some detail regarding […]