March 14th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Fourteen

Recap of March 13th, 1969 Alpha Company was airlifted to LZ Mary. They were replaced by Alpha, 1-35 Infantry. Charlie Company and Recon Platoon remained on Hill 947, conducting local patrols. Bravo Company occupied LZ Swift and recovered from its hard losses on the 11th and 12th. Delta Company attacked south across a small saddle […]

Timeline – 3-12 Infantry Battalion Firebase – 1969

The location cited at the beginning of each paragraph was the location of the 3-12 Infantry battalion firebase/TOC. In most cases, the other elements of the battalion (A,B,C,D,4-Deuce and Recon) were in the field in the vicinity. I have noted general locations for elements in the field when possible. I have included some detail regarding […]