March 10th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Ten
Recap of March 9th,1969 LZ Swinger is hit by a combined artillery and mortar barrage, causing multiple casualties. In addition to that, two elements of Alpha Company encounter a strong NVA force several hundred meters outside the perimeter. Snipers in trees and spider holes inflict a terrible toll on the Americans. Four men are killed […]
March 9th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Nine
Recap of March 8th, 1969 The battalion, spread between the two hot spots of LZ Cider and Hill 947, began encountering higher levels of NVA presence. Late in the evening, Alpha Company reported movement outside the perimeter and engaged with small organic weapons with negative results. Ten kilometers away from LZ Swinger, Task Force Swift […]
March 8th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Eight
Recap of March 7th Alpha & HHC maintain their position at LZ Swinger. Charlie Company is airlifted to Hill 947 southeast of LZ Mary to reinforce D/3-8 Infantry. Task Force Swift (B, D, Recon 3-12) is airlifted to LZ Brace, and begins to move south towards Hill 947. The Task Force encounters thick vegetation and […]
March 7th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Seven
Recap of March 6th, 1969 LTC Larkin consolidated his line companies into two general locations (LZ Swinger and LZ Mary). Charlie Company is moved on to the top of Hill 680, roughly one and a half kilometers southwest of Alpha Company and LZ Swinger. On LZ Mary, the battalion executive officer Major Williams organized Task […]