March 8th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Eight

Recap of March 7th Alpha & HHC maintain their position at LZ Swinger. Charlie Company is airlifted to Hill 947 southeast of LZ Mary to reinforce D/3-8 Infantry. Task Force Swift (B, D, Recon 3-12) is airlifted to LZ Brace, and begins to move south towards Hill 947. The Task Force encounters thick vegetation and […]

March 7th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Seven

Recap of March 6th, 1969 LTC Larkin consolidated his line companies into two general locations (LZ Swinger and LZ Mary). Charlie Company is moved on to the top of Hill 680, roughly one and a half kilometers southwest of Alpha Company and LZ Swinger. On LZ Mary, the battalion executive officer Major Williams organized Task […]

March 4th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Four

Recap of March 3rd, 1969 On March 3rd, Alpha Company maintained its position on LZ Swinger. HHC & Charlie Battery, 1/92 Field Artillery (155mm towed howitzers) were airlifted into LZ Swinger during the day. Bravo & Charlie Company conducted search & destroy patrols west of LZ Mary with minimal findings. Delta Company conducted a heliborne […]