Recap of March 12th, 1969
On LZ Swinger, HHC and Alpha were once again subjected to an indirect fire attack. Their time on Swinger was drawing short, and plans were in the works to move the 3-12 TOC further south and closer to the action near Task Force Swift.
Task Force Swift assaulted through the saddle and hilltop where Charlie Company was heavily engaged on the 11th. Although they took the hill with only light casualties, contact steadily increased throughout the day. Over a dozen men from Bravo & Delta companies were wounded in action, and SP4 Sigmund Sikorski from Bravo Company was killed in action.
March 13th, 1969
The plans for the relocation of the 3-12 Infantry TOC and firebase from LZ Swinger to a location south of the Hill 947/LZ Swift have begun to be executed. Alpha Company, 1-35 Infantry, stationed at LZ Mary on the Plei Trap Valley floor, is airlifted to LZ Swinger. Alpha Company, 3-12 Infantry, which had been ordered to secure an landing zone far to the south, is instead forced to halt at LZ Mary. Impending darkness, deteriorating weather and indications of a large NVA presence on the proposed LZ force LTC Larkin to ask for a delay. Colonel Knight, the Brigade Commander, approves the delay, and Alpha Company spends the night of the 13th on LZ Mary.
In the mountains southeast of LZ Mary, Task Force Swift continues sweeping the area around the newly designated LZ Swift. Bravo Company remains on LZ Swift while Delta Company moves to an adjacent hilltop several hundred meters to the southeast. NVA bunkers and fighting positions are found along the way. Delta eventually establishes a night location at YA 821852 and sends out three listening posts to the west, east and south. During the afternoon, 18 wounded men are evacuated from LZ Swift, although it is hard to discern if they belong to Bravo or Delta Company.

0730 hours
Major Williams reported that total casualties for Task Force Swift is 16 wounded in action (WIA). Individuals will dustoff as soon as pickup zone (PZ) is completed. No ETA at this time.
0745 hours
Cider 13 checked in 3-12 Infantry radio net
0825 hours
Air lift for 1-35 Infantry will be handled by 1-35 Infantry air ground push radio frequency.
0830 hours
Message from Brigade. The Sergeant Major of the 1st Brigade was killed yesterday afternoon.
0845 hours
Report from Major Williams. Delta Company 3rd Platoon conducting a sweep 100 meters to the east found the following:
7 – Bunkers 3′ x 4′ with overhead cover
5 – RPG rounds/charges
5 – 82mm High Explosive rounds
2 – 82mm C.S. gas rounds
50 – 7.62mm links (NVA type)
3 – AK chargers, 10 each
At Task Force Swift’s location is one AK-47, documents, one of which 60 lists of weapons and ammo.
Confirmed three NVA KIA found 100m east of perimeter 8 to 12 hours old.
Delta Company 3rd Platoon conducting local sweep in search for a mortar tube Cider 15 spotted at a bomb crater.
0900 hours
Alpha Company Short Range Patrol (SRP) 11 closed Alpha Company location. A Co SRP 12 at YA 831953
0910 hours
Creeper 9, a relay station for Mike element Long Range Patrol (LRP) just checked in.
1000 hours
A Co SRP 12 at YA 835960
1015 hours
LZ Swinger receiving 60mm or 82mm mortars incoming. Approximately 3-5 rounds (1019 time)
1020 hours
Airstrike at YA 829799
1030 hours
Charlie Company reports a dud round went off in a fire injuring individual on the face. Dustoff requested.
1040 hours
Dustoff 30 will be inbound to C Co location. ETA 45 minutes. Urgent!
1045 hours
Bravo Company reports having a radio missing. Believed to be containing Co B frequency. Lost some time last night on Listening Post. B Co request new push.
1049 hours
Possible landing zone (LZ) for Tactical Operations Center (TOC) and Alpha Company is YA 829799. Airstrike being employed at this time.
1055 hours
A Co SRP 12 closed this location LZ Swinger
1105 hours
3-12 Infantry furnished 3-8 Infantry with our locations of Recon, Charlie, Bravo & Delta companies.
1125 hours
Dustoff at C Co location
1135 hours
PZ time for first load from 1-35 Infantry is 1140. 1-35 Infantry coming out of LZ Mary YA 783918.
1150 hours
LZ time of Alpha 1-35 at LZ Swinger
1155 hours
Second load of Alpha 1-35 from LZ Mary YA 783918 was on LZ when LZ Swinger received two rounds of incoming. Estimated 60mm or 82mm mortars. No casualties.
1200 hours
Incoming rounds confirmed to be C.S. rounds believed to be coming from grid YA845985. Employing redleg and light organics at this time.
1205 hours
At this time the air lift is postponed for Alpha 1-35 for 60 minutes.
1225 hours
At grid 832976 is location of recent incoming (recoilless rifle)
1235 hours
Two more rounds of incoming plus small arms coming from north side of perimeter. We are engaging with .50 caliber.
1240 hours
1-8 Infantry Company C reports hearing blast at grid 837976
Still receiving incoming and we are still employing light organics. One casualty – light.
1242 hours
At grid 844975 the back blast was seen from recoilless rifle. Still employing light organics, .50 caliber, LAWS & 90mm.
1250 hours
Alpha Company 3-12 Infantry received small arms at grid 836966. Saw NVA in the open at grid 834976 and received incoming from recoilless rifle at grid 832976. Four rounds.
1255 hours
Negative incoming at this time at LZ Swinger. Task Force Swift reports 8-10 rounds of incoming from the east where they had incoming last night.
1300 hours
Major Williams reports that rounds were at a 220 degree azimuth approximately 1200 meters at grid 804856. Cider 12 on call.
1320 hours
TF Swift reports suspected enemy tubes at 804856.
1330 hours
Delta Company just departed for reconnaissance in force to the south.
1332 hours
LTC Larkin back at this location LZ Swinger
1340 hours
TF Swift reports two NVA KIA confirmed at grid YA 819854.
1345 hours
CO : Directed Alpha Company to start concurrent lift with Alpha 1-35 Infantry and stage at LZ Mary for combat assault on LZ at YA 829799.
1350 hours
The two NVA TF Swift reports had no papers, wearing green khakis. They were strip of their equipment & were killed by redleg.
1400 hours
Bravo Company new push 57.80, Charlie Company new push 67.10, Retrans new push 36.05
Airlift of Alpha 1-35 Infantry resumed. Initial PZ for A/3-12
1419 hours
Initial LZ Mary for Alpha Company
1435 hours
Cav went back to re-arm and will come back
1436 hours
Delta Company location of TF Swift is YA 821852. Also request dustoff for total 18 WIA at the PZ of TF Swift.
1445 hours
Cav is back on station
Cav reports a lot of trails leading to LZ Swinger. Also one individual plus fresh trails & many foxholes. Are going to employ ordinance to see if they get a reaction at YA 845977.
1451 hours
Cav reported it will be good to put an airstrike because he sees 40-50 bunkers at YA 849982. Also excellent position towards LZ Swinger for any incoming. Also one confirm KIA.
1500 hours
Two confirm NVA at YA 843977. Cav reports also there are bunkers from YA 843977 to YA 845975 all along the ridgeline.
1505 hours
Alpha Company airlift complete at this to LZ Mary.

1510 hours
LTC Larkin is airborne
1535 hours
Delta Company reported finding along the way from his night location (NL) to his location (YA 821852) the following.
15 bunkers (4′ x 6′ x 4′) with overhead cover (2′ to 3′ logs & dirt)
45 loose 12.7mm and one box 12.7mm unopened
1 AK-47 magazine with three rounds
1 light machine gun drum.
One U.S. helmet with shrapnel in it, one pair (NVA) fatigues. One pith helmet with the name Tien-Lon.
1540 hours
Dustoff 39 is now on Command A.
1547 hours
Dustoff 39 just picked up nine WIA.
1553 hours
LTC Larkin request a postponement of combat assault because of weather & there is bunkers & tunnels all along the hill. Wants to continue preparation by airstrikes and heavy artillery.
1554 hours
Brigade commander will meet LTC Larkin at LZ Mary shortly.
1601 hours
Cav reports that they see movement & received fire at YA 843976.
1602 hours
LTC Larkin is at LZ Mary.
1610 hours
Dustoff 39 return to pick up the nine WIA
1620 hours
Dustoff 39 complete for the remaining nine WIA.
1630 hours
LTC Larkin is airborne
1632 hours
LTC Larkin informed us that Alpha Company combat assault for today is off and it will go tomorrow.
1700 hours
LTC Larkin return this location (LZ Swinger).
1710 hours
Cider 13 is putting 2nd airstrike on YA 843976.
1715 hours
Changed OPCON of Alpha companies 3-12 Infantry & 1-35 Infantry until March 14th at 0800 with S3 of 1-35 Infantry.
1800 hours
Airstrike going in at YA 805857
1841 hours
Alpha 1-35 Infantry SRP made contact. They received sniper fire from YA 827965. The SRP is on the way back. Light organics are being employed & redleg firecrackers are also being employed. Negative casualties.
1925 hours
Engineer officer of 1st Brigade told LTC Larkin that he will have two birds at LZ Swinger. One will be rigged for repelling. The other will have to be rigged. The bird that is rigged has six people belonging to Engineer officer 1st Brigade. Also a LOH will have six pairs of gloves on it.
1940 hours
The following message was to Charlie Company: Prepare for final extraction late PM & airlift to Alpha Company new location (YA 829799).
2105 hours
Alpha Company 1-35 Infantry has movement close to the wire. Employed grenades.
2110 hours
A/1-35 reports movement has stopped.
2130 hours
A/1-35 said their 2nd Platoon has movement employing grenades.
2140 hours
A/1-35 said that they are going to throw a grenade on the east side of the perimeter.
2141 hours
A/1-35 reports that they have people running up to the wire and running back.