March 12th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Twelve

Recap of March 11th

Just south of Hill 947, a platoon from Charlie Company was caught up in an NVA ambush, and the ensuing firefight and extraction back to Hill 947 proved very costly for both C Co and B Co, which was ordered off the hill to provide support. Thirteen soldiers from the battalion were killed in action, and 39 wounded. It was the costliest day to that point for the battalion in 1969. 

March 12th, 1969

On LZ Swinger, the American soldiers of HHC and Alpha Company, 3-12 and Alpha Battery, 1-92nd Field Artillery are subjected to another round of incoming fire. NVA positions north and west of the firebase are in turn targeted by American airstrikes and artillery. No significant damage or casualties are reported.

On Hill 947, LTC Larkin orders a heavy artillery bombardment and air strikes on the suspected NVA positions on and around the hill where the heavy contact on March 11th started. Bravo & Delta companies are then ordered to prepare to assault the objective, named LZ Swift. Just after 1300 hours, the two company task force moves off of Hill 947 and begins pushing across the saddle connecting the two hilltops. The bodies of all of the men killed on March 11th are found and recovered. 

The lead elements of Bravo Company are engaged by light small arms fire as it nears the top of LZ Swift. Several men are wounded in that initial engagement, but that is only the start. For the next four hours, Bravo & Delta Company engage in a pitched battle over the bomb cratered and scarred terrain surrounding LZ Swift. At one point, a friendly airstrike hits too close to the American lines, spilling napalm over several soldiers.

A dozen more men are wounded by shrapnel and small arms, including SP4 Sigmund “Ziggy” Sikorski. Ziggy is hit by a small piece of shrapnel in the chest. A tiny wound, but he is really having trouble breathing. His buddies from Bravo Company help to load him on to a dustoff helicopter, and watch it roar into the air. The wound to Ziggy’s chest had hit his heart, and he dies on the helicopter before it ever reaches the 71st Evacuation Hospital in Pleiku.

By the end of the day Bravo & Delta have at least partially secured LZ Swift, at the cost of at least 15 wounded and one KIA.

March 12th, 1969 Daily Journal entries

0030 hours

Major Williams reported that six KIA, 10 MIA, 27 WIA, five of MIA are known KIA. The bodies are between the perimeter and the saddle. NVA 13 KIA, 4 WIA but got away. Also some radios, AK-47, paper.

0130 hours

Task Force Swift report spotting two sets of headlights 200 degree azimuth, 1200 meters moving north.

0135 hours

1st Brigade informed 3-12 that higher said they had five moving targets between YA 860005 and YA 870990

0807 hours

Bravo Company patrol still has no whereabouts on missing patrol. Major Williams is sending another patrol consisting of about 20 enlisted men.

0810 hours

Bravo Company 1st Platoon departed TF Swift location (Hill 947).

0820 hours

The following items are at TF Swift location.

1 – RPG-7 launcher

3 – AK-47

1 – 60mm tube

1 – radio, similar type to a PRC-10

8 – B-40 rounds

Assorted ammo belts, mortar fuses and AK-47 magazines

0840 hours

Major Williams reports that B Co recovered three individuals MIA. Two individuals are still missing. Line numbers ??, 168, 059. All three are OK except line number 168. Individual with slight wound. Not serious. B Co still searching for the remainder of the patrol.

0850 hours

The following were dropped on area requested by Major Williams “Air Strike”

4 – Mark 82

4 – Napalm 6’ 100mm

8 – Mark 17 w/delay fuse


0900 hours

Olive Blue 6 element from Yellow Scarf. Olive Blue will be on station for an hour.

0910 hours

Killer 25A inbound to our location ETA 01-02.

0915 hours

Colonel Knight (Division Commander for 4th Division) General Pepke are at this location (LZ Swinger).

0920 hours

Airstrike complete dropping eight Mark 17 on west and on top of the hill.

0921 hours

Hummingbird 5 has secret documents and is now enroute to Polei Kleng. Hummingbird 5 will return shortly.

0937 hours

Hummingbird 5 checked in again.

0950 hours

P.O. Peach for TF Swift is 8086.

1000 hours

LTC Larkin is airborne.

1025 hours

To LTC Larkin Olive Blue 6 departing our location. Other set of fighters will be replacing Blue 6. Olive Blue 6 found trails but no apparent use. Olive Blue 6 will fire to the north-northeast where Red Birds drew fire.

1027 hours

Olive Blue 6 is sending other set of fighters to TF Swift location.

1115 hours

Hummingbird 5 going to refuel. Be gone about 15 minutes then will proceed to Co C location.

1118 hours

Report on airstrike bomb damage assessment (BDA). Five confirmed NVA bodies by TF Swift location by Yellow Scarf (7/17 Cav).

1155 hours

Releasing Hummingbird 5 at this time Hummingbird 5 enroute to 1-8 location. 1-8 Infantry in contact.

1200 hours

LTC Larking back at my location (LZ Swinger).

1255 hours

Situation report of our elements. Cider still working on two more airstrikes and expected time for redleg prep 1320.

1325 hours

Cider birds back to refuel. Another set of fighters will be replacing them and should check in within the hour.

1326 hours

Task Force Swift starting redleg prep at this time.

1335 hours

TF Swift SP at this time.

1350 hours

We are getting incoming at LZ Swinger.

1355 hours

The grid where the incoming was coming from is YA 837969.

1357 hours

Light organics are being employed at YA837969. We received 6-10 rounds.

1414 hours

B Co found one more KIA (friendly). The enlisted man that was MIA from B Co.

1430 hours

We at LZ Swinger got incoming 10 rounds from the same location as before. No casualties.

1436 hours

Recap of yesterday’s casualties – B Co 8 WIA – 4 KIA – 0 MIA. C Co 26 WIA – 4 KIA – 5 MIA. The five MIA of C Co are confirmed KIA but have no bodies. HHC 2 WIA – B/6-29 FO Party – 2 WIA. Total casualties are 51.

1440 hours

Lead element of TF Swift started up hill.

1450 hours

Lead element of TF Swift has found the MIAs now KIA.

1451 hours

LTC Larkin is airborne.

1455 hours

Delta Company has movement to the left, recon by fire. Negative results.

1503 hours

Yesterday’s action on casualties is now 52 total.

1615 hours

B Co has light contact on the southeast ridge. Receiving small arms.

1620 hours

TF Swift lead element has received 2 or 3 automatic weapons fire. Two WIA are reported.

1624 hours

TF Swift is on top of the hill.

1628 hours

D Co of TF Swift is moving to the west of B Co of TF Swift.

1635 hours

TF Swift has requested Yellow Scarfs.

1641 hours

Lead element of TF Swift has people pinned down in front of them.

1643 hours

TF Swift has four rounds incoming no direction or azimuth.

1645 hours

LTC Larkin returned (LZ Swinger).

1650 hours

B Co has more incoming and B Co CP has more WIA. They are tree and ground burst.

Lacombe, Tom, Light Ruck Vietnam 1969, Loft Press 2002

1653 hours

Charlie Company patrol who was sent to pick up the KIA of B Co found earlier received small arms 75 meters from the base of the hill.

1704 hours

C Co Patrol #1 received small arms from YA 817863

1705 hours

TF Swift said incoming has let up, estimated five WIA.

1712 hours

TF Swift has no small arms or mortars incoming.

1715 hours

Gunships now on station.

1720 hours

LTC Larkin is airborne.

1733 hours

TF Swift is pinned down and small arms and will need urgent Dustoff with basket & penetrator.

1745 hours

TF Swift had 4 or 5 friendlies hurt by napalm. Will need urgent Dustoff.

1750 hours

TF Swift has incoming still. Bigger than 60mm, could be rockets.

1755 hours

We at LZ Swinger are getting incoming. Six rounds from north-northeast. Flat trajectory.

1800 hours

1800 – LTC Larkin is trying to pick up at YA 818856 the eight WIA & take them to C Co location (YA 814864) in LOH.

1805 hours

1805 – Cider 15 believes to see a mortar tube in a bomb crater.

1806 hours

The incoming we got at LZ Swinger is believed to be 75mm recoilless rifle fire. From YA 831976.

1807 hours

Negative casualties & negative damage received. Two rounds.

1811 hours

LTC Larkin has picked up WIA in his LOH & taking them to C Co location.

1820 hours

LTC Larkin requested to have Hummingbird 5 to help Hummingbird 4 take out WIA from TF Swift to C Co location so Dustoff can come in and pick the WIA up and have Spooky on standby status.

1823 hours

Brigade said negative. Hummingbird 5 not available.

1830 hours

Major Williams says he is still getting incoming. Also Delta Company 2nd Platoon are at the PZ. YA 8188856 with the urgent WIAs.

1835 hours

TF Swift is getting incoming from east.

1843 hours

Major Williams told Hummingbird 4 to identify smoke. Because someone else was popping smoke.

1846 hours

LTC Larkin told us that they will only have 3-4 serious WIA to get out tonight

1851 hours

B Co reports NVA approaching from south. Also gunships receiving ground fire. Request from Brigade Spooky come on station.

1910 hours

C Co reports 11 WIA now ready for dustoff. Request from Brigade dustoff to come.

1920 hours

LTC Larkin return this location.

1925 hours

TF Swift said estimate incoming mortars resulted four WIAs of D Co. Two need urgent dustoff.

1945 hours

B Co & D Co. B Co & D Co are linked up together in a perimeter on the top of the objective (LZ Swift).

1955 hours

Report to Brigade that we believe to knock out two mortar tubes by LTC Larkin.

2006 hours

Recap of total casualties. 15 WIA, 0 KIA, 0 MIA [note – one WIA died of wounds].

2010 hours

Dustoff 31 is at C Co location YA 814864.

2015 hours

Dustoff 31 left C Co location.

2106 hours

Dustoff 31 is back on station.

2115 hours

Major Williams informed Dustoff that the last incoming he had was 60 minutes ago.

Spooky is now on station.

2125 hours

Major Williams has made voice contact with Shadow 45.

2130 hours

Dustoff 31 PZ (YA818856)

2134 hours

Dustoff completed for D Co 3rd Platoon.

2140 hours

Dustoff land at C Co location (YA814864).

2145 hours

Dustoff completed for C Co.

2150 hours

A total of 13 WIAs were dusted off

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