March 7th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Seven

Recap of March 6th, 1969

LTC Larkin consolidated his line companies into two general locations (LZ Swinger and LZ Mary). Charlie Company is moved on to the top of Hill 680, roughly one and a half kilometers southwest of Alpha Company and LZ Swinger. On LZ Mary, the battalion executive officer Major Williams organized Task Force Swift, composed of Bravo & Delta Companies and the Recon Platoon. Task Force Swift is ordered to move southeast of LZ Mary across the Dak Hodrai River and into the mountains that form the eastern border of the Plei Trap Valley. 

March 7th, 1969

Thursday, March 7th 1969 began with the air lift of Charlie Company, 3-12 Infantry from their night position near LZ Swinger to Hill 947. There, the battered but intact Delta Company, 3-8 Infantry had endured several days of intense NVA pressure and attacks.

Upon completion of the Charlie Company airlift, the focus turned to Task Force Swift. Composed of Bravo, Delta and Recon 3-12 Infantry, the combined unit had just begun its ascent of a ridgeline leading up to the location of the battle involving A/3-8 Infantry on March 3rd. Colonel Knight ordered the Task Force to halt, and wait for an air lift up into the mountains. Between 1200 and 1600 hours, the three elements are lifted up into place near LZ Brace at YA 815873, and ordered to move to Hill 947. The thick vegetation between LZ Brace and Hill 947 slows the Task Force’s movement to a crawl. As darkness set in, the three elements took up night defensive positions on the south side of Hill 1000, roughly 500 meters from the American perimeter on Hill 947.

March 7th, 1969 Daily Journal entries

0215 – Message from 1st Brigade S-3 (Operations). Aerial lift of C Co, 3-12 Inf from 827952 to reinforce D Co 3-8 Inf at 815865 (Hill 947) will be first priority. FE of Task Force Swift second priority from 788883 to LZ 816880. TF Swift walk south end seize ridgeline with D & C 3-8 Inf. 

0818 – A message from Major Williams – Task Force commander. TF FE from 788883 to LZ YA816880. Task Force pass thru B & C 3-8 Inf attack south & seize ridgeline and hill YA 815872. B & C 3-8 Inf attached to Task Force.

0901 – Old Short Range Patrol (SRP) 11 closed A Co location.

0902 – New SRP 11 SP

0925 – SRP 13 in night location at YA 826952

0930 – Brigade informed us to have our C Co ready for aerial lift.

0933 – C Co has been informed.

1001 – C Co has a PZ time of 1001.

1007 – A Co SRP 11 night location 824965

1030 – S3 3-8 Inf: LZ time for C/3-12 at YA 814864.

1105 – PZ complete of C Co, 3-12 Inf.

1130 – Final LZ for C Co.

1232 – B Co (TF Swift) : Initial PZ.

1240 – B Co (TF Swift) : Initial LZ.

1245 – CO 3-12 Inf : lift ships are receiving fire from finger SW – CO 3-8 Inf indicates his C Co is working 300-400m down on west finger.

1240 – Cider 10 checked in – Requested immediate air strike on YA 814872 – enemy bunkers.

2 sets of fighters going in – total 20 bombs (750 lbs).

1323 – TF Swift : B Co PZ complete. Start on Recon now.

1410 – TF Swift : Lift resumes with Recon.

1415 – TF Swift : Recon complete at LZ. Started with Delta Company.

1605 – TF Swift : FE complete at PZ.

1610 – TF Swift : last sorties of D Co enroute – start artillery prep of objective now.

1611 – TF Swift : LZ of D Co complete.

1622 – TF Swift : SP. 3-12 assumes responsibility of new AO. request D Co, 3-8 Inf enter 3-12 Command A.

1742 – Bravo Company has movement to the left of their lead element & will recon by fire.

1750 – LTC Larkin is airborne.

1801 – Task Force Swift lead element 75-100 meters from objective (YA815873).

1810 – Lead element of Task Force Swift is on the military crest with no contact.

1821 – LTC Larkin return to this location (LZ Swinger).

1850 – Charlie Company ambush patrol (AP) 1 departed C Co location.

1915 – D Co night location is YA 814872.

1930 – TF Swift : D Co could only get approx. 150 meters south of D Co perimeter due to thick vegetation. Swift set up for night and use Recon to link up D & B Cos.

Arc Lights for March 7th-8th

7150-P Time on Target March 7th – 2055 hours,

7151-P Time on Target March 8th – 1400 hours

7152-P Time on Target March 8th – 0625 hours

7153-P Time on Target March 8th – 0405 hours

7154-P Time on Target March 7th – 2310 hours

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