Recap of March 4th, 1969
NVA indirect fire attacks at Polei Kleng and LZ Cider caused moderate damage but minimal casualties. Bravo & Charlie companies of the 3-12 Infantry remained in night locations northwest of LZ Mary. Delta company moved overland from its night location to join the 4.2” Mortar and Recon platoons, reinforcing the perimeter at LZ Mary.
March 5th, 1969
The NVA forces in the mountains northwest of LZ Cider launch another indirect fire attack on LZ Cider. The approximately nine 105mm rounds cause no damage or casualties. Concerned about the continued harassment of his battalion firebase, LTC Larkin ordered Charlie Company to be air lifted out of the mountains northwest of LZ Mary and inserted into a position just a kilometer southwest of LZ Swinger. Also not wanting a lone infantry company to remain in a vulnerable position, he ordered Bravo Company to be air lifted to LZ Mary, where it joins Delta Company, the 4.2” Mortar and Recon platoons, and B/6-29 Field Artillery.
Extreme heat and other non-combat related injuries continue to mount up, with at least seven men from the battalion required medical evacuation for various reasons.
Hard days for the 3-8 Infantry
Between March 3rd and 5th in the mountains southeast of LZ Mary, the 3-8 Infantry was engaged multiple times by elements of the North Vietnamese Army’s 66th NVA Regiment . Alpha Company 3-8 was mauled on March 3rd, losing 21 men killed in action and twice that many wounded. On March 5th, Delta Company 3-8 on Hill 947 was hit by a large ground assault. Seven men from D/3-8 were killed in action and dozens wounded.
Colonel Hale Knight, the 1st Brigade commander, ordered the 3-12 Infantry to be prepared to move in to the mountains to reenforce the battered line companies of the 3-8 Infantry.

March 5th, 1969 Daily Journal entries
0730 – Alpha Company Short Range Patrol (SRP) 12 departed night location enroute to new night location.
0800 – Charlie Company all SRPs and Ambush Patrols (AP) departed night locations.
0801 – Delta Company, Apache 1 and Apache 2 departed their night locations.
0810 – Bravo Company dustoff of man with arm laceration and man with epileptic fit complete.
0830 – C Co SRP 32 and AP1 closed C Co location.
0845 – C Co SRP 31 & AP2 closed C Co location.
0855 – C Co SRP 12 has reached new night location at YA827953.
0950 – D Co SRP 41, SRP 42 and AP1 have closed D Co location.
0955 – D Co reported they had a man bitten by a scorpion last night. He has passed out twice. They have him in the shade and are applying cold compresses at this time.
1000 – D Co SRP 41, SRP 42 and SRP 44 have departed D Co location.
1012 – We are receiving incoming at LZ Swinger.
1014 – Incoming is same as we received yesterday. 105.
1015 – Incoming is coming from same general direction as yesterday.
1020 – LTC Larkin asked higher if it would be possible to SP B Co on foot so they could be close to LZ when C Co combat assaults in. Brigade reported negative until ETA of lift birds was confirmed. They do not want B Co & C Co any further apart then they already are.
1025 – Approximate grid where incoming is coming from is YB785015.
1028 – C Co reports they can hear pops at a 40 degree azimuth. Two to four kilometers from them.
1030 – Major Williams requested from Brigade a Headhunter or Air Cav or something to locate that tube that is firing on us.
1035 – Headhunter 46 has checked in Command A. He reported that C Co 3-8 Inf could hear outgoing rounds in same location we think its coming from. Headhunter does not have a specific grid but they’ll be back this afternoon to try and pin point the gun.
1040 – Incoming rounds have ceased for the present time. No casualties reported.
1041 – We received approximately 8 rounds incoming.
1102 – Colonel Knight has arrived at this location (LZ Swinger)
1103 – D Co SRP 42 is at D.L. YA773909.
1123 – D Co man who was bitten by scorpion – routine dustoff has been called.
1132 – Colonel Knight has departed this location (LZ Swinger).
1140 – D Co SRP 41 is at D.L. YA789916.
1145 – Forward Air Controller (FAC) – Cider 10 checked in Command A and reported air strikes going in at YA8289 at approximately 1200 hours.

1200 – D Co man bitten by scorpion was extracted by log bird to Mary Lou – Dustoff was diverted to 3-8 Infantry.
1350 – LTC Larkin is airborne to supply elements.
1355 – C Co reported they have a man with heat exhaustion. He has heart pains and history of rheumatic fever.
1400 – D Co SRP 41 is at night location 795912
1405 – LTC Larkin picked up man from C Co with heat exhaustion and is bringing him to this location (LZ Cider).
1415 – Dustoff has been called for three individuals with heat exhaustion from this location – LZ Swinger.
1420 – Brigade reported that today’s activities would be changed. C Co will be brought to this location – B Co will go to LZ Mary – Assets will be available in approximately 30 minutes.
1450 – Dustoff complete for 2 individuals.
1508 – Flight lead checked in to pick up C Co at this time.
1509 – LTC Larkin departed this location.
1516 – PZ time of C Co (762993) 1515 hrs LZ time of C Co (836965) 1525.
1600 – C Co : Final PZ.
1606 – C Co : Final LZ.
1644 – B Co : PZ.
1650 – Guns not on station for FE. Brigade advises guns working resupply, will get another set from sister element.
1650 – B Co LZ.
1710 – LTC Larkin returned to command post.
1710 – B Co final PZ.
1715 – B Co final LZ.
1720 – C Co SP this location enroute to night location.
1736 – LTC Larkin airborne at this time.
1758 – LTC Larkin returned to command post.
1900 – Have a new grid on location of enemy position 7406.
2025 – C Co closed night location 827952.