Recap of March 8th, 1969
The battalion, spread between the two hot spots of LZ Cider and Hill 947, began encountering higher levels of NVA presence. Late in the evening, Alpha Company reported movement outside the perimeter and engaged with small organic weapons with negative results.
Ten kilometers away from LZ Swinger, Task Force Swift entered the American position on Hill 947. Each element (Bravo, Delta, Recon) took over a section of the perimeter and sent out ambush patrols. Heavy airstrikes, including B-52 Arc Lights softened up the area around Hill 947.
March 9th, 1969 – LZ Swinger (HHC, A Co, A/1-92d FA)
LZ Swinger – At 0827, an Alpha Company short range patrol (SRP) consisting of four men made contact with an NVA force just 300 meters northeast of the LZ Swinger perimeter. Two men from the SRP were wounded before the patrol was able to break contact and move back to LZ Swinger. Alpha Company then sent a platoon back down the finger towards the initial contact area, which was met with heavy resistance. While the Alpha Company elements engaged NVA units on the ground, the firebase was subjected to an artillery and mortar barrage. By the end of the day, four Alpha Company men are KIA, and at least 14 men wounded.


March 9th, 1969 – Hill 947 (TF Swift – B, C, D Cos & Recon 3-12)
Hill 947 – Elements of Task Force Swift continued clearing the area around Hill 947. At 1900 hours, a Bravo Company element came in contact with a small NVA force. The two elements exchanged fire, with no known casualties. One NVA AK47 was captured. Additional air strikes softened up suspected NVA positions south of Hill 947.

March 9th, 1969 Daily Journal entries – 0000 to 1200 hours
0805 – A Co old SRP 12 is at YA831972. Old SPR 13 is at YA 830951. New SRP 12 SP. New SPR 13 SP.
0810 – Call 1-8 & 3-8 Infantry to see if they were done with Bomb Damage Assessment (BDA)of the Arc Lights. They were not done BDA & their Area of Operations (AO) are still in AFF.
0827 – A Co SRP 12 is in contact at this time. YA 838966. A Co 2nd Platoon went out to help SRP 12. They found SPR 12 & have two Wounded in Action (WIA).
0845 – Evacuation of the two WIA with Hummingbird.
0846 – Colonel Knight arrived this location (LZ Swinger)
0850 – Are employing redleg in contact area at this time.
0855 – Message from Brigade S-3. 3-12 Infantry select six possible LZs sites vicinity Arc Light target area 7161-7163-7164 by 1100 hours.
0857 – Colonel Knight departed the command post.
0910 – Old SRP 12 at YA 833967, Old SRP 13 at YA 831959, New SRP 13 is at YA 836956, New SPR 12 is back in perimeter.
0920 – SRP 12 contact was 300 meters outside perimeter going down the finger. The point man spotted three green helmets & three weapons pointed at them about 40 meters away. The point man opened up on the individuals & the NVA threw two grenades back. The SRP dropped their gear & ran the two WIA. One was hit in leg & one in back.

0922 – Alpha Company 2nd Platoon is SP at this time to check out contact area.
0932 – Alpha Company 2nd Platoon has movement & are recon’ing by fire.
1000 – Alpha Company 2nd Platoon has one Killed in Action (KIA) & one WIA friendly.
1027 – The one KIA & the one WIA was shot by the bad guys.
1035 – Passed on to Brigade S-3 location of request for Daisy Cutters [seven grids]
1040 – Alpha Company 2nd Platoon is pulling back to put in redleg then will move out to check out area after redleg has stopped.
1042 – Alpha Company old SRP 12 closed. Old SRP 13 closed. New SRP 13 is at YA 835949. Cider 10 checked in.
1058 – Dustoff 39 checked in to pick up the one WIA & the one KIA.
1100 – Dustoff complete at LZ Swinger.
1123 – The redleg is on a check fire at this time.
1200 hours to 1800 hours
1215 – Alpha Company 2nd Platoon has contact again, receiving small arms fire.
1240 – Requested dustoff for four WIAs to Brigade.
1240 – Requested air strikes on the finger that contact is on.
1246 – Delta Company element west of their location found (2) graves (1) body in each. YA 860865.
1250 – Alpha Company 2nd Platoon reports killing three NVA.
1255 – Cider 10 – reports 1st set of fighters Time on Target (TOT) 10 minutes, second set TOT 15 minutes.
1256 – Receiving incoming from east at this time. Mortars – High Explosive (HE), approximately 10 rounds.
1342 – Incoming has stopped.
1345 – Dustoff has taken five of the seven WIA. A Co three WIA due to incoming (White Phosphorous), four due to contact.
1345 – Yellow Scarf checked in at this time (standing by).
1350 – Received at this location approximately 30 rounds (mortar) incoming.
1351 – Fighters are dropping loads on this morning contact area just east of this location.
1400 – Air strike complete at this time. Yellow Scarf checking area out (BDA) for Cider.
1405 – Cav birds just drew ground fire from finger contact area.
1420 – Cider 14 reported another set of fighters is on the way. TOT 30 minutes.
1421 – Alpha Company is sending out platoon to contact area to check BDA results. (3rd Platoon).
1425 – Recap of todays actions – Three friendly KIAs. 11 friendly WIAs. Three known NVA KIAs.
1450 – Cider 14 – reports set of fighters are here. Employing them on suspected 105 position, that air strike was on earlier.
1450 – Incoming rounds this morning were 105 rounds. Not mortars.
1455 – Alpha Company 3rd Platoon receiving sniper fire at this time. Cav birds are going to fire mini-guns forward of Alpha 3rd Platoon lead element.
1505 – Brigade informed us that we cannot get a Dustoff because the dustoffs are on urgent missions now. It will be better if we could get the WIA in a resupply bird.
1509 – Alpha Company 3rd Platoon will pull back after they recover the bodies & when they are inside the perimeter, napalm will go in where the contact was.
1515 – A Co 3rd Platoon has recovered the bodies and is moving back at this time.
1529 – Cider 14 (FAC) checked out.
1530 – Cider 15 (FAC) checked in.
1531 – We at YA836965 LZ Swinger are getting incoming 60mm on 0700 mills & 1500 meters out.
1533 – A Co 3rd Platoon believes they have one WIA from the incoming. With leg wound.
1541 – Requested urgent dustoff at LZ Swinger for a sucking chest wound.
1543 – The grid where the incoming is YA855986.
1550 – The Cav spotted individuals to the northeast of LZ Swinger. YA 836965.
1555 – A slick just picked up two seriously wounded at LZ Swinger (YA 836965).
1608 – Dustoff 37 is enroute to LZ Swinger YA 836965 & is about 10 to 15 minutes.
1613 – Recap of todays action. Four KIAs & 14 WIA.
1620 – Dustoff complete – three WIAs.
1627 – Second dustoff (Blackjack 530) completed. Three KIAs.
1635 – A Co reports their 4th Platoon element killed one (more) NVA on finger that contact was on earlier.
1645 – Cav birds reported NVA dug in at YA 845970.
1650 – Redbird left our AO.
1658 – A Co & TOC is receiving small arms from northwest.
1706 – The air cav has killed two & the air strikes killed three NVA. A total of five KIA NVA.
1711 – Report nine NVA KIA in todays action at YA 838965.
1715 – Cider 15 reported mortar tube at grid YA 845975.
1725 – Cider reports knocking out (spotting) mortar tube (60mm) at YA 845975.
1740 – Brigade informed us that Spooky will come on station at 1700 hours and he will be on our Air Ground [frequency].
1745 – A wrap up of what happened at LZ Swinger YA 836975. Two 105mm guns spotted at YA 867981, two 105mm white phosphorous rounds impacted inside the perimeter. We have casing, rotating band & fuse. 30 founds of 105mm went over LZ Swinger. 60mm mortars were spotted at YA 845975. One confirmed 60mm mortar was destroyed by air strike. 15 founds landed on nose to east.
1800 hours to 2400 hours
1805 – Bravo Company 3rd Platoon spotted individual at YA 817861. Exchanged fire and bad guy fled east. Platoon captured one new AK-47 (contact was made 20 meters apart).
1820 – Arc Light (Mission number) 7161-P TOT 1120 hours. 10 March.
1900 – Spooky 23 is now on station (Air Ground).
1900 – Bravo Company 2nd Platoon contact with a bad guy. Fired either M-16 or M-60 & not AK47. The bad guy was in a two man fighting position. Also the bad guy seemed to put an old US type walky talky in his helmet. Also B Co 2nd Platoon could observe from YA 820857 on a high angle for about 300 to 400 meters six to eight bunkers with overhead [cover]. Also fresh foot prints of 2-3 individuals moving south across the burn out area at the location.
2020 – Request from Brigade – Air Strikes 2 – 750 Hi drags YA 822852, 2 – YA 845972. Also AO change for plan received today to include CP location YA822852.
2135 – Task Force Swift said one of the Listening Posts (LP) has definite movement & they might use grenades if the movement [continues]
2155 – Task Force Swift said has movement. Is not going to employ light organics.
2157 – Alpha Company movement on west & south side of the perimeter and employing light organics.
2211 – Bravo Company 3rd Platoon found the following. A big trail going east they followed this trail for about 200 meters. Along this trail there was fresh blood, bandages, commo wire that just had been laid along this trail. Fresh markings with Nguyen & under that was an arrow pointing east. Also other trees had the letter N on it. Grid YA 817864.
2224 – Task Force Swift has negative movement & Alpha Company has negative movement.
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