March 4th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Four

Recap of March 3rd, 1969

On March 3rd, Alpha Company maintained its position on LZ Swinger. HHC & Charlie Battery, 1/92 Field Artillery (155mm towed howitzers) were airlifted into LZ Swinger during the day. Bravo & Charlie Company conducted search & destroy patrols west of LZ Mary with minimal findings. Delta Company conducted a heliborne combat assault into a position south of Bravo & Charlie companies and moved east to a night position.

March 4th, 1969

Early in the morning on March 4th, elements of the NVA launched a massive mortar,artillery and ground attack on the 1st Brigade headquarters at Polei Kleng. The attack wounded several soldiers, destroyed at least one vehicle and extensively damaged the Bravo Battery, 6-29 Field Artillery ammo dump. 

West of LZ Mary, Bravo, Charlie and Delta companies continued search & destroy operations. The harsh terrain and high temperatures began to take a toll on the infantrymen, and at least one man from Charlie Company was evacuated due to heat exhaustion. Charlie Company remained in its previous night location, while Bravo Company moved higher into the mountains to the east. In response to a report of NVA elements moving towards LZ Mary, Delta Company moved to the LZ, linking up with the 4.2” Mortar and Recon platoons. 

At 1550 hours, NVA artillery began targeting the 3-12 Infantry battalion firebase at LZ Swinger. Over the next hour, at least 29 rounds impacted the area around the firebase. The incoming fire caused no damage or casualties amongst the HHC, Alpha Company and C/1-92 FA soldiers on the firebase.

March 4th, 1969 Daily Journal entries

0303 – 1st Brigade has incoming 60mm and 82mm mortars, small arms and possible rockets incoming at Polei Kleng.

0325 – Major Williams [3-12 Infantry Executive Officer] has informed us the Polei Kleng is still getting incoming and a ground attack.

0740 – LTC Larkin is airborne enroute to Polei Kleng for commanding officers meeting.

0805 – Bravo Company departed night location

0845 – Alpha Company 4th Platoon has departed A Co location on LZ Swinger.

0900 – Delta Company has departed their night location.

0908 – A Co 4th Platoon is at YA844967.

0918 – Charlie Company departed their night location.

0940 – LTC Larkin has returned to this location (LZ Swinger).

1000 – LTC Larkin is airborne again.

1001 – C Co is at YA764985

1003 – D Co is at YA752922 and at this location they found a road.

1010 – Major Williams reported that a 3-12 Infantry jeep was destroyed by a B-40 rocket at Polei Kleng. One TOC personnel was wounded – not seriously.

1010 – Major Williams reported that incoming at Polei Kleng hit B/6-29 FA ammo and caused excessive damage. 

1011 – B Co is at YA768955 – they are sending out two platoons from that location.

1020 – A Co 4th Platoon is at YA843963.

1110 – LTC Larkin has returned to this location (LZ Swinger).

1115 – C Co is at YA760943 – they are sending out sweeps from their present location.

1125 – B Co 1st Platoon is at YA774953.

1200 – A Co 4th Platoon is at YA842957.

1200 – 25 Short Range Patrol (SRP) 51 + SRP 52 have departed 25 location (LZ Mary).

1205 – B Co 3rd Platoon is at YA766957.

1206 – 25 Patrol 1 & 25 Patrol 2 have both departed 25 location (LZ Mary).

1230 – Brigade informed us that 3-8 Infantry has contact with approx. 100 NVA at YA790885. 

1231 – 25 Patrol 2 is at YA782924.

1235-  LTC Larkin informed the 25 element to get three teams to the south of the blue line to act as blocking force. The NVA are possibly headed towards 25 location.

1340 – A Co 4th Platoon has closed A Co location.

1404 – D Co is at YA774918.

1405 – C Co is at night location at 762993.

1420 – B Co is at night location at YA775961.

1500 – D Co is at YA772917.

1515 – C Co has one man suffering from heat exhaustion and is now convulsing. Hummingbird 1 has picked him up and will take him to Polei Kleng where a dust off will pick him up.

1546 – D Co has closed 25 location.

1545 – LTC Larkin is airborne enroute to 25 location.

1550 – Unknown arty rounds are landing close to our perimeter – this location – LZ Swinger is receiving incoming from northwest. Rounds appear to be White Phosphorous or smoke.

1550 – C Co reports they believe they can hear something to their east.

1557 – C Co reports hearing pops at an azimuth of 115 degrees.

1559 – LTC Larkin wants the battery firing on grid YA787982 at once. Also to get their ammo under cover ASAP.

1600 – Incoming is believed to be mortars at this time.

1601 – Observers report incoming from azimuth 320 degrees at three kilometers.

1605 – LTC Larkin is receiving small arms fire from the ground. He wants our redleg to come up on the following grids. 786995 and 790990.

1607 – We called Brigade and requested Headhunter.

1610 – 1-8 Infantry reported hearing where our incoming could possibly be coming from. Grid 777018.

1630 – We are still receiving occasional incoming rounds. None have hit inside perimeter but some have come quite close.

1635 – LTC Larkin reported that last artillery volley was right on target.

1650 – Had 29 rounds of incoming

1705 – Found a fuse & half of a round. A 105mm round.

2020 – C Co SRP 34 spotted two individuals walk in front of them (758999). Individuals had flashlights & weapons walking from east to west. Walking in that direction of AP2 (756994).

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