Recap of March 2nd, 1969
Alpha Company maintained its position on LZ Swinger and prepared for the arrival of HHC and Charlie Battery, 1-92nd Field Artillery. A, B, C and Recon/Mortars convoyed from FSB Mary Lou to Polei Kleng. From there, the 4.2” Mortar & Recon Platoons (25 element) were lifted to LZ Mary. Bravo & Charlie conducted an airborne combat assault into positions west of LZ Mary. HHC advanced party was lifted from Plei Mrong to LZ Swinger. The remainder of HHC and Delta Company stood down at Polei Kleng.
March 3rd, 1969
On March 3rd, Alpha Company maintained its position on LZ Swinger. HHC & Charlie Battery, 1/92 Field Artillery (155mm towed howitzers) were airlifted into LZ Swinger during the day. Bravo & Charlie Company conducted search & destroy patrols west of LZ Mary with minimal findings. Delta Company conducted a heliborne combat assault into a position

Battalion S-3 Operations Daily Journal entries
March 3rd, 1969 Daily Journal entries
0801 – PZ for hook with scorpion to 25’s location
0805 – Bravo Company departed night location
0821 – First hook at LZ
0850 – message from ??????? [indecipherable in log] to LTC Larkin – we have two redleg sorties in to 25’s location. 2nd to go after this hook will lift water trailer to our location. Higher red leg will shift hook to a sister element for four sorties. Then hook returns to our redleg. Will have 8 slicks working for 24. ETA 1000.
0915 – Charlie Company 1st & 3rd platoons have departed C Co location.
0925 – LTC Larkin requests LZ cut (daisy cutter) 4 March – 0900 at YA 829919
0940 – Second scorpion in at 25’s location
0942 – C Co 1st & 3rd Platoon at 744983
0950 – Cider 14 reports air strike at 762992 complete. He is bringing in second set at same grid. First set was incomplete.
1020 – Charlie Company 1st & 3rd platoons found at YA743981 old cart trails. Not used for a month or more. Bunkers & fighting positions. Checking it out now.
1035 – Hummingbird 6 checked in. Enroute to pick up LTC Larkin.
1036 – LTC Larkin is airborne at this time
1045 – B Co is at YA 745953, running swept and checking area
1100 – C Co 1st & 3rd platoons at 745978
1110 – TOC personnel (HHC) – initial PZ
1115 – TOC personnel initial LZ
1130 – HHC personnel lift from Polei Kleng to LZ Swinger is complete except for one sortie
1245 – ETA of gunships for Delta Company lift at 1330.
1255 – Bravo Company is at 751952
1315 – General Pepke will not come to LZ Swinger today. LTC Larkin and Captain Androsky [A Co CO] are enroute to Polei Kleng to meet him.
1333 – Charlie Company 1st & 3rd platoon have closed C Co location.
1410 – Gunships are about 5 minutes out of Polei Kleng. Delta Company combat assault with start shortly.
1410 – LTC Larkin is airborne enroute to prepare artillery prep on Delta Company LZ.
1415 – LTC Larkin is enroute to LZ Swinger to pick up Captain Cropp (Arty LNO) – they will then start arty prep on 737930.
1425 – Initial PZ for D Co from Polei Kleng to 737930
1426 – LTC Larkin has picked up Captain Cropp and arty prep is being employed at this time.
1450 – Charlie Company SP enroute to new night location at YA762993
1457 – Delta Company initial LZ time of 1455 (cold LZ)
1535 – LTC Larkin returned to command post with A Co commander
1846 – D Co combat assault complete
1850 – Spotted 3 to 4 individuals in tree line at grid YA736950. Redleg being employed by Bravo Company. Could not tell what they were wearing.
1920 – Delta Company found a road at YA47923. 10-14 feet wide. No tracks. Trail parallel. Old holes no overhead cover, big craters around. Trail on west side of road 1- to 15 meters from road 8 ft. wide. Road runs north-south. Delta Co is running patrol up & down that road.
1935 – Delta Company went south & north 300 meters north at a 230 degree azimuth break off. North 200 meters bomb craters. No evidence of traffice going around, 100 meters south a freshly used toothpaste (colgate) and dirty shirt. Trail to west of road not used in last 4 to 6 weeks.
1938 – Bravo Company crossed road at YA745952 – looked like it had not been used in many months. Had been hit by air strikes. Around night location elephant sign. Two months old no other signs.