LZ Swinger (Hill 729). Elements of the 1-14th Infantry constructed the original firebase on Hill 729 in April of 1968. The U.S. Army abandoned it some point after that and the North Vietnamese Army, quick to move into any void left by American forces, occupied the firebase. The NVA then moved at least one heavy anti-aircraft gun into place and installed anti-helicopter mines around the landing zone.
On March 1st, 1969, Alpha Company, 3-12 Infantry was ordered to conduct a combat assault of the firebase. A Co is commanded by Captain Donald Androsky. His memory of the day can be heard here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYCMq7w6JnY. The lift was completed UH-1H Hueys flown by the “Gators” of the 119th Assault Helicopter Company.
Over a dozen infantrymen and aircrewman were wounded during the combat assault of LZ Swinger. Two men were killed in action.
SP4 Douglas Markovich – New Jersey – 21 years old. Infantryman assiged to Alpha Company, 3-12 Infantry. KIA by small arms fire on the LZ. https://njvvmf.org/face/markovich-douglas/
SP5 John Schiffhauer – Pennsylvania – 21 years old. UH-1H Huey crew chief assigned to 119th AHC. KIA by small arms fire while inserting A Co into the hot landing zone. https://www.vvmf.org/Wall-of-Faces/45915/JOHN-C-SCHIFFHAUER/
Below are the Daily Journal entries from the 3-12 Infantry Battalion Staff Duty journals. These journal entries do not come close to telling the whole story, but it is interesting to see the chronological events that were noted. I recommend reading Ron Carey’s “The War Above the Trees” and Eric Shelly’s “It Don’t Mean Nothing” for first hand accounts of the action that day.
Battalion S-3 Operations Daily Journal entries
0730 – LTC Larkin airborne. [LTC Richard X. Larkin was the battalion commander of the 3-12 Infantry from October 1968 to April 1969] https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/washingtonpost/name/richard-larkin-obituary?id=6104150
0925 – Arty prep is being fired into LZ Swinger – They had one secondary explosion.
0931 – A Co initial PZ time from Plei Mrong to LZ Swinger.
0940 – A Co has 14 sorties out of PZ.
0955 – Slicks have all sit down at Polei Kleng waiting for gunships.
1010 – A Co initial LZ on LZ Swinger. LZ HOT.
1020 – A Co has 7 sorties in LZ. They are receiving small arms fire and incoming mortars
1025 – Air Cav checked in Command A and are in area of LZ Swinger at this time.
1035 – Air Cav has made contact in area of LZ Swinger.
1036 – Two more sorties have departed PZ – 16 total.
1045 – Two slicks have received light shrapnel and there are some light WIA on LZ
1055 – Colonel Knight informed LTC Larkin that he wanted the hill cleaned up and the birds to bring the rest of A Co in ASAP. [Colonel Hale H. Knight was the Brigade Commander of 1st Brigade, 4th ID]
1110 – The NVA are in bunkers. A Co is moving out at this time & are checking the bunkers as they go.
1115 – A Co has killed NVA on top of hill. A Co has light wounded. A Co is holding its own.
1120 – The ships are going to try & get into the LZ again.
1125 – C Co is standing by as a reactionary force.
1135 – Another sortie has landed in LZ. 8 total.
1137 – 2 more slicks have landed in LZ. A Co has one confirmed NVA KIA – 10 sorties in LZ.
1140 – LTC Larkin is departing area of LZ Swinger for refueling – will be back in about 15 minutes.
1155 – A Cav Redbird believes he’s taken a hit. Some type of grenade.
1200 – Major Sheen reported that A Co had some light WIA and possible one friendly KIA.
1201 – LTC Larkin is airborne again over A Co location LZ Swinger.
1205 – 1st bird of 2nd lift for A Co in LZ Swinger at this time. Two sorties remain on PZ.
1210 – A dustoff is standing by. After 2nd lift dustoff will go in and pick up A Co WIAs.
1212 – A Co has one WIA that has to get out – They’re going to put in on a log bird and bring him back.
1213 – Air Cav reported he has two Redbirds hit. They are both down safely at Polei Kleng.
1215 – Enemy fire has been drawn from the east of LZ Swinger – That is inly fire they’ve received in last 10 minutes.
1230 – A Co final PZ.
1232 – LTC Larkin informed A Co to put WIA on last two log birds.
1240 – A Co has 1 friendly KIA [SP4 Douglas Markovich] and 3 WIA. They have 5 enemy KIA and 1 enemy WIA. A Co situation is still flexible.
1244 – A Co lift complete.
1245 – LTC Larkin reported A Co had 3 WIA – walking – frag wounds – need a dustoff.
1247 – Dustoff has been called
1310 – A Co has negative contact at this time – They are ready to receive redleg.
1311 – Dustoff enroute to A Co location – LZ Swinger. A Co has 4 litter and 3 ambulatory patients.
1355 – A Co has 10 NVA KIA’s and one POW. Captured one 7.62 Soviet-Czech light machine gun, one M-60 machine gun recaptured and 1 heavy anti-aircraft machine gun.
1450 – LTC Larkin arrived at this location (Plei Mrong).
1525 – LTC Larkin is airborne en route to LZ Swinger
1540 – Message from 33 at Mary Lou. 6 wounded released there, 4 others sent to Polei Kleng for further treatment.
1610 – A Co reports – 30 KIA NVA. Captured – 1 WIA NVA. 3 SKS carbines/2 light machine guns
two AK-47s/one M-60 machine gun and one .51 caliber anti-aircraft machine gun.
1635 – The POW said he had been on the hill for 3 days and he was there to put out anti-helicopter mines