Recap of March 13th, 1969
Alpha Company was airlifted to LZ Mary. They were replaced by Alpha, 1-35 Infantry. Charlie Company and Recon Platoon remained on Hill 947, conducting local patrols. Bravo Company occupied LZ Swift and recovered from its hard losses on the 11th and 12th. Delta Company attacked south across a small saddle separating LZ Swift from the next hilltop. By nightfall, Delta was entrenched on what would become LZ D-Handle.
March 14th, 1969 Daily Journal entries
The day begins with the combat assault of an element of engineers from LZ Mary to Hill 1043. The engineers repel from helicopters and immediately start cutting a hasty landing zone. Within 30 minutes, the first sortie of Hueys transporting Alpha Company make their approach. The Alpha Company soldiers disembark on to a cold LZ and spread out, thankful to not have a repeat of their arrival to LZ Swinger on March 1st. Over the next several hours, the rest of Alpha Company arrives to the landing zone, and is joined by Charlie Company and the Recon Platoon.
Work begins immediately on clearing an area large enough to contain the many bunkers that will eventually contain the battalion tactical operations center (TOC). The men cut fields of fire around the expanding perimeter, and begin patrolling the thick jungle surrounding the precarious American position.
In the area around the new LZ, which is christened LZ Cider at some point, several NVA bunkers and fighting positions are discovered. All are empty, but it is clear that this area was recently used by the enemy.

On LZ Swift and LZ D-Handle, Task Force Swift is officially terminated. Bravo & Delta Companies of the 3-12 will still work together, but not under the label of Task Force Swift. Both companies send out local patrols, and discover additional signs of the NVA. South of LZ D-Handle, D Co finds dozens of bunkers, fighting positions and foxholes, all linked with a web of trails that lead mostly to the southwest and towards a massive 860 meter high hilltop roughly a kilometer away.
Bravo Companies highlight of the day is the mis-drop of a giant water bladder. At 1430 hours, a Chinook helicopter attempting to deliver the much needed water miscalculates the slope of the hill. The heavy rubber bladder hits the ground and immediately begins sliding downhill, much to the chagrin of the thirsty Bravo Company soldiers. A patrol is sent out to retrieve as much water as is possible.

By the end of the day, the 3-12 Infantry is spread between four locations. The TOC, supported by A/1-35 Infantry remains on LZ Swinger. The 4.2″ Mortar Platoon and B/6-29 FA provide support from LZ Mary. Bravo & Delta Company are operating in support each other from LZ Swift and LZ D-Handle respectively. Alpha, Charlie & Recon Platoon share a large perimeter on the newly established LZ Cider. The battalion AO stretches nearly 18 kilometers, north to south.

0715 hours
Alpha Company Bushmaster patrol closed LZ Mary. Reported to Brigade by 1-35 Infantry headquarters TOC.
0735 hours
Reference to yesterday incident concerning individual being hit by a dud round which exploded in a fire. Confirmation – Individual from Delta Company at Charlie Company location received injuries when a dud round exploded when a brush fire got started inside of perimeter.
0750 hours
LTC Larkin contacted Cider at this time. LTC Larkin also informed Cider of the airstrikes that we had planned.
0755 hours
Report from Bravo Company as follows. On March 11th, when Charlie Company element engaged at present Bravo Company location sent two sub elements to help reinforce. Squad was linked, were surrounded and took two KIA and four WIA. Individual carrying radio was wounded, three frags came in. Was knocked out for awhile. When he awoke, individual was five feet from radio. Individual could not get to radio because of contact. Individual rolled away and escaped.
0830 hours
Swany 41 just checked in and will be on station at this time.
Hummingbird taking pax (passengers) engineers to LZ Mary.
0840 hours
Delta Company Patrol #1 just departed D Co location
0845 hours
LTC Larkin airborne at this time.
0850 hours
Cider 12 : Airstrike (TAP) will be delivered at 0900 hours on Alpha Company’s landing zone (LZ) at YA 829799. Air Cav screening objecting area reports sighting movement on west side of hill.
0915 hours
Airstrikes complete. Artillery prep begins.
0920 hours
Delta Company Patrol #1 at YA 818848
0923 hours
LZ control for Alpha Company is 613. PZ control for Alpha Control is 614.
0930 hours
LTC Larkin will be switching from Hummingbird 1 to Swany 41 to continue prep from LZ Pause.
D Co Patrol #1 closed D Co location YA 821852.
0931 hours
Alligator 468 making 1st pick up. PZ time 0940
0938 hours
D Co Patrol #2 departed D Co location YA 821852
0945 hours
Check fire on artillery prep
1000 hours
LZ time for Engineer team at YA 827799. LZ cold. Engineer had to repel and start cutting LZ so lift shifts go in.
1029 hours
First load in and out of LZ. Time 1030 cold LZ Alpha Company
1050 hours
LTC Larkin wanted to inform Brigade to have Brigade Engineers lay on the dozer for early this afternoon. Going to Alpha Company new location.
1051 hours
Message relayed to Brigade and Brigade has been informed.
1110 hours
Brigade wants all equipment lost since 1 March 69 and be reported on by 2100 hours today.
1111 hours
3-12 Infantry S-3 contacted S-4 to lay on a special crane sortie for the tractor with operator & fuel for the tractor for this afternoon.
1115 hours
Reported 11 sorties to go of the first element of Alpha Company
1127 hours
Cav reports finding foxholes and tunnels around the hilltop. Plus at YA 823787 a trail which has been used by 30-50 individuals and blood on bamboo along the trail. Southeast from the hill (YA 829799) sees ruck sacks size unknown. These rucks are NVA type.
1145 hours
LTC Larkin just informed Charlie Company to be on station for their extraction following Alpha Company elements.
1147 hours
LTC Larkin back at Swinger
1149 hours
Alpha Company at new location request two more sorties because engineers are needing resupply on C-4.
1155 hours
Yellow Scarfs received ground fire north of LZ Swinger.
1205 hours
Alpha Company requests Dustoff for one individual with possible broken ribs. Individual from engineer platoon. LTC Larkin asked flight lead to evacuate individual with a bird.
1210 hours
Individual with possible broken ribs is now being evacuated.
1211 hours
From LZ control 614. Last sortie enroute. Time 1211 for Alpha Company.
1216 hours
Charlie Company started their lift. One sortie in LZ time 1215. PZ for C Co is 1205.
1218 hours
Final completion for Alpha Company’s lift. Time 1220.
1225 hours
Delta Company Patrol #2 closed D Co location YA 821852.
1230 hours
LTC Larkin is airborne
To Brigade, Alpha Company will not be ready to accept crane with dozer for about 60 minutes.
1243 hours
Report from Swany 41 at grid 845995. Small arms were received by Air Cav on same area where airstrikes were put in yesterday. One NVA was spotted. Confirmed still people out in the same area.
1257 hours
Charlie Company has 21 sorties remaining on PZ. ETA for crane/dozer is 1400 hours.
1303 hours
Delta Company 1st Platoon SP D Co location YA 821852.
1305 hours
Slick enroute to Bravo Company location to back haul two KIA.
1315 hours
Cider 14 informed LTC Larkin that him and Cider 13 will put an airstrike to northeast grid 845972. Time on target (TOT) 14-1430 hours. Cider 14 will meet Cider 13 and brief him on situation.
1316 hours
Element with Charlie Company belonging to Delta Company will be extracted so as to join their company.
1345 hours
Charlie Company reports 11 sorties left
D Co 4th Platoon lift complete.
1350 hours
Division chemical officer checking in. 4.2″ mortars will be dropping C.S. on grid 845975.
1355 hours
Charlie Company has seven sorties left at PZ.
1410 hours
Charlie Company final extraction (FE) complete at PZ YA 814864 (Recon attached to C Co).
1415 hours
C Co & Recon Platoon final LZ at 829799 (lift complete).
1420 hours
LTC Larkin told Brigade that he will go to the ceremonies & he would like to take Hummingbird 3 to it.
Task Force Swift was terminated at this time.
1422 hours
Cider 13 told us that he has airstrike going in YA 845975 in 20 minutes. Also C.S. at YA 845975.
1425 hours
LTC Larkin returned this location (LZ Swinger).
1435 hours
Charlie Company has departed A Co location (YA 828799)
1445 hours
Brigade told us to inform us to tell Hummingbird 3 to refuel & pickup the battalion commanders in this order – 3/12 – 3/8 – 1/8 and take them to Polei Kleng.
1501 hours
D Co 1st Platoon closed D Co location.
1525 hours
Cav reports still gets ground fire from YA 845977.
1530 hours
Bravo Company reports that a Chinook dropped a water bladder northwest of their perimeter about 300 meters out & they will try and get it.
1535 hours
Since March 1st the operation we have been on is Wayne Grey.
1600 hours
Cider 13 reports a pilot had to bail out at YB 734050. All aircraft were diverted to assist Cider
1613 hours
Charlie Company reports have one individual (Line #007) with minor frag wound. Will wait until tomorrow to get him out. (C Co was blowing up bunkers).
1635 hours
Division chemical officer informed us that Air Force pilot was rescued and enroute to 71st Evacuation Hospital (Pleiku).
1841 hours
We at LZ Swinger are getting incoming from the north (YA 832977) grid 350 degree azimuth, one round
1855 hours
Airstrike will be going in at YA 832977
Report of Findings
At 818848 – Five bunkers 6x4x4 with hasty overhead cover, ten fighting positions 3x2x2 all in line. North/South facing with trail to east running North/South. One additional hole four foot diameter with raised 1.5 table in center ground level with woven flap bamboo cover. Mortar or anti-aircraft position. Mortar rounds plus 12.7mm could be either.
At 818846 – markings on trees arrows pointing South/West. 12-14 hours old gap trails designated by number of rucks Used 12-24 hours. May run southwest of TF. Four sleeping positions in the open.
At 818845 – Six fighting positions 2x3x2 no overhead cover. Eight hootches 8x6x6 no roofs but frames for poncho. Leaves for floor. 6x5x5 one better condition than others. Burn pits. Three additional pits. Logs cut within two weeks. Cut hair. Womans hair band.
Position – 150 meter in diameter. Three log benches. 20 feet long. One behind the other, classroom style.
Wheel marks going south-southwest 18″ wide. No tread. Several pounds salt. 50 NDL .51 caliber size.
Anti-air or mortar tree with Chinese characters 1-2 days old. Main area tree Vietnamese type writing with Chinese writing over and under it.
Discovered trail 820854 to 815846 from their split NW & SW. Along trail is 18 bunkers 4x6x4 with overhead logs with 12-18 inches dirt on both sides.
Grid 819850 – Seven bunkers without overhead cover. Five 4x6x4 with overhead cover. Two cut in 4x14x7 with bamboo mats with 2-5 feet overhead cover.
Grid 815846 – Six 82mm rounds. Eight holes into hill 4x6x4. Kitchen area. 25 pounds rice. Salt along trail. Spring bamboo table and water.
At grid 829798 – one mortar position 5x5x4 with ammo & storage & sleeping. Bamboo & dirt. Recent use. Nine positions 6x4x4 with three feet overhead cover. Last four don’t.
Mortar position destroyed by artillery. Inside 6x3x4 high L slope entrance.