March 11th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Eleven

Recap of March 10th, 1969

A heavy NVA indirect fire attack caused over a dozen casualties on the firebase, including one KIA from 1-92d Field Artillery. An additional indirect fire attack on Hill 947 results in no damage or casualties. 

March 11th, 1969

LZ Swinger is targeted by indirect fire once again. The suspected point of origin is hit with counter battery fire from the firebase. No damage or casualties are reported.

On Hill 947, a Charlie Company Short Range Patrol (SRP 34) finds blood trails, foxholes and fresh diggings. A platoon from C Co is sent out to push across a narrow saddle that connects Hill 947 and another hilltop roughly one kilometer southeast of the Task Force Swift perimeter. At 1335, the platoon spotted several NVA soldiers, who escaped to the east. The platoon pursued the NVA, and were drawn into an NVA ambush. Heavy automatic weapons, small arms and mortars tore into the Charlie Company soldiers, causing multiple casualties. The Charlie Company commander was wounded, and company command and control is lost. Small groups of Charlie Company soldiers, led by a solid cadre of non-commissioned officers and experienced soldiers, began fighting a valiant rearguard action. As they attempted to extract themselves and their wounded comrades from the maelstrom of enemy fire, the NVA increases the volume of incoming mortars, B-40 rockets and small arms fire.

Bravo Company is ordered to move down into the saddle and attempt to link up with Charlie Company. Soon after leaving the perimeter, they too are engaged by the NVA, taking numerous casualties. The combat is chaotic, and night began to fall on the battlefield, leaving Bravo & Charlie Company in the dark. Eventually, only through the heroic efforts of small groups and individuals, the two units were able to link up and move back on to the Hill 947 perimeter.

The cost of the days action is terrible. Thirteen Braves from the 3-12 Infantry have been killed in action, with an addition 29 wounded in action. The NVA likely suffered far greater casualties, mostly due to massive artillery and air strikes on suspected positions. But those numbers will never be truly known.

Additional Resources

For first hand accounts of some of the action on and around Hill 947 on March 11th, read Tom LaCombe’s book “Light Ruck Vietnam: 1969” and Ron Carey’s “The War Above the Trees”

March 11th, 1969 Daily Journal entries

0800 – Charlie Company Patrol #1 SP 0800 at first check point 815864.

0845 – Alpha Company reports that 16 secondary explosions were reported by members of the bunker line on airstrikes completed to the northwest 823975.

0905 – C Co Patrol #1 closed C Co location (Hill 947).

0925 – LTC Larkin is airborne and is enroute to Task Force Swift.

0940 – Presentation of awards for the Killer 25 element will be at Swift command post (CP) 1400-1500 hours.

1045 – Receiving incoming at LZ Swinger. Rounds estimated coming from north-northwest. Incoming rounds at a 20 degree azimuth estimated 1000 meters. Estimate 10 rounds of 82mm mortars. Light organics being employed. LTC Larkin will be adjusting.

1050 – LTC Larkin just reported that an incoming 105mm White Phosphorous (WP) round has landed on the north side of the perimeter. Light organics are still being employed.

1115 – 93 Charlie reported that two rounds impacted his location to the south. SRP 34 is being sent out towards that location in which rounds were coming from. Rounds estimate at a distance of 300 meters. SRP 34 will be used as a listening post (LP). Check point #1 for SRP 34 is YA  818862. SRP 34 day location is YA 812865.

1145 – Task Force reported of SRP 34s findings at YA 817861. Found the following. Four NVA bodies estimated 2-4 days old wearing green fatigues. Two of the basically in holes. 8-10 fighting positions, fresh, and some with overhead cover. A tree with an arrow pointing to the west. Area believed to be some type of evacuation point for WIA and supplies. SRP 34 has movement east to south towards their front. NVA believed to be using choppers to cover up their movement of wounded and supplies. Major Williams said whenever a chopper or hook comes to their location, NVA starts moving.

1200 – SRP 34 has negative movement at this time.

1225 – Major Williams: SRP 34 at same place where AK-47 was found. A log lying across the trail. SRP 34 found blood smears and all along trail. Also 30 meters from log SRP 34 found a hole 20 feet deep. Bottom of hole is visible and fresh diggings were seen off to the side. A tunnel type. Major Williams is sending a platoon size element to help SRP 34. C Co 2nd Platoon will be supporting SRP 34.

1248 – Arc Light targets

7162-P TOT 2115 March 11th

7163-P TOT 2335 March 11th

7164-P TOT 0925 March 12th

7169-P TOT 1425 March 12th (7169-P is in 2nd Brigade AO).

1335 – Shrimpboat came to our location, Swinger with gunships. Shrimpboat arrived, dropped the load and while picking up the load, we drew 2-5 rounds of 60 or 82mm. Gunships were supporting Shrimpboat, but was unable to locate where the rounds came from.

1335 – At YA 817856, C Co 3rd Platoon reports two NVA fled to the east. No contact was made.

Contact begins – 1420 hours

1420 – Task Force Swift C Co 2nd Platoon is in contact at this time. Mortars. Reported two casualties. C Co 2nd Platoon also drew small arms from AK-47.

1435 – Contact broken at this time. Status on C Co. 2nd Platoon is 1 KIA, 2 WIA. Dustoff has been requested but cannot give a situation on the individuals.

1445 – Redleg at LZ Pause are being employed at this time. C Co 2nd Platoon are making their way back to Task Force Swift location.

1450 – C Co 3rd Platoon securing flanks for the return of C Co 2nd Platoon drew small arms fire. C Co 3rd Platoon has one WIA.

1600 – C Co has one head wound & one chest also small arms wounds.

1610 – Cider 12 will put the airstrikes in at YA 819855.

1617 – LTC Larkin is airborne.

1622 – C Co commanding officer (CO) is wounded & 12 others wounded. Three seriously with three others.

1640 – C Co made contact with an estimated one company of NVA.

1645 – C Co is still getting small arms from the south.

1647 – Cider 12 had 4 F100s (fighters) and he put 20mm from south where the small arms are coming from.

1703 – Bravo Company & Charlie Company are now linked up.

1712 – C Co & B Co are still receiving small arms from the west.

1720 – Dustoff enroute & will be diverted to landing zone (LZ) where the dustoff will pick up the seriously wounded. A Light Observation Helicopter (LOH) will pick up the seriously wounded from a small LZ & take them to TF Swift’s LZ.

1730 – B Co receiving AK-47 small arms fire.

1731 – SRP 34 made contact. KIA one NVA at YA 819862.

1741 – B Co receiving mortars at this time.

1750 – LTC Larkin report five confirmed NVA killed & one mortar tube captured.

1812 – Dustoff 32 picked up the six seriously wounded at TF Swift’s LZ (YA 814864).

1813 – Dustoff 32 will return.

1818 – Comet Blue 6 (7/17 Cav) reports NVA hiding under stumps at LZ at YA 817863.

1825 – LTC Larkin requested Spooky thru Cider 12.

1826 – LTC Larkin reported the five NVA killed & mortar tube captured was at YA 821857.

1829 – Cider reported to Brigade that Red Birds (7/17 Cav) killed seven NVA in the LZ at YA 817863 that were hiding under stumps.

1844 – Dustoff enroute about 15 minutes. Have about six WIA at TF Swift location YA 814864.

1845 – LTC Larkin said killed (NVA) probably 20-22 killed.

1854 – Dustoff 32 will pick six WIA seriously wounded.

1855 – LTC Larkin said there are some WIA at LZ at YA 817863.

1901 – B Co is in coming.

1901 – Alpha Company reports two rounds incoming. From the north. Light organics & redleg are being employed.

1906 – All WIA are out of LZ at 817863. They have seven KIA (friendly) at the same location.

1910 – The location of the incoming was coming from is YA 844971 and it was 82mm.

1910 – LTC Larkin returned this location (LZ Swinger)

1911 – SRP 34 linked up with B Co & will hump back to TF Swift location with five KIA.

1924 – TF Swift has one WIA at their location & will keep him there until tomorrow.

1925 – B Co is receiving mortar & machine gun fire from the top of the hill. They received eight rounds of 82mm.

1927 – B Co said he will have to leave the KIAs because of the mortars & machine gun fire they are receiving.

1931 – A recap of today’s action is six KIA (friendly) 14 WIA (friendlies), 4 seriously. 13 KIA NVA (confirmed). About 20-25 KIA NVA & 1 mortar tube captured.

1935 – B Co & C Co will & still are trying to closed TF Swift location. They are about 300 meters out & about 1 hour out of TF Swift location.

1939 – Spooky 21 should check in on our air ground push.

1940 – B Co pick up some more WIA from the mortar incoming. Redleg & mortars are being employed where TF Swift heard the pops.

1945 – Spooky 21 is now on station.

1950 – The incoming target & target given to Spooky is YA 817856 where B Co & C Co received mortar & machine gun fire.

1955 – Shadow 45 is now on station.

2000 – Shadow 45 is checking out.

2002 – Delta Company 4th Platoon has movement. Also on both sides of their perimeter.

2021 – B Co has no mortar or small arms fire incoming.

Contact Ends – 2021 hours

2025 – B Co CO said he is 75 meters from marrying up with the remainder of the element. He has five WIA from fragmentation. Two are walking wounded. He request dustoff. Will wait for details on a dustoff is needed or not.

2110 – B Co lead element is on their way up the saddle (YA816865)

2135 – B Co about 20 meters outside of the perimeter.

2145 – The mortar tube captured earlier was 60mm.

2223 – Request Spooky 21 had 30 minutes left & would like another on to replace him.

2225 – All elements closed TF Swift location.

2230 – 1st Brigade informs 3-12 that Spooky will be replaced by Shadow 47.

Bravo Company, 3-12 Infantry KIA

Charlie Company, 3-12 Infantry KIA


In March of 2021, I visited the gravesites of SGT Jean Martin and SP4 Carlos Tartt.

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