March 10th, 1969 Operation Wayne Grey Day Ten

Recap of March 9th,1969

LZ Swinger is hit by a combined artillery and mortar barrage, causing multiple casualties. In addition to that, two elements of Alpha Company encounter a strong NVA force several hundred meters outside the perimeter. Snipers in trees and spider holes inflict a terrible toll on the Americans. Four men are killed in action, and over a dozen wounded by the time the action is over. On Hill 947, a Bravo Company patrol engages several NVA at close range, but no casualties are confirmed on either side. 

March 10th, 1969

NVA indirect fire began falling on LZ Swinger around 0850 hours, and continued sporadically for the rest of the day. At 1100 hours, the incoming rounds slammed into positions within the firebase perimeter, causing over a dozen casualties. SP4 Jeffry Cassidy, a a 21 year old from New Castle, Delaware assigned to 1-29 Field Artillery is killed in action. As night began to fall, two 4-5 man SRPs from Alpha Company took up positions southwest of the firebase.

Ten kilometers south of LZ Swinger, the NVA artillerists also targeted Task Force Swift and Hill 947, although with negligible results. A patrol from the Task Force discovered the body of an American soldier from the 3-8th Infantry. Likely killed in action during the NVA attack on Hill 947 a week before, his remains are collected and evacuated by the men from Task Force Swift.

March 10th, 1969 Daily Journal entries

0100 – Brigade informed 3-12 Infantry that there will not be another Spooky on station. Unless requested for contact.

0707 – Cider 14 checked in. He has an air strike to go into YA 817838. Time 0800.

0838 – Cider 14 has another air strike to go in at YA 815836. Time 0830 with daisy cutters.

0850 – Have incoming of three rounds of 105mm & Cider is going to put one flight in the enemy position.

0900 – A Co SRP 11 has SP their night location

0914 – Cider 14 is going to put one more set of flights in the enemy position.

0920 – Cider 10 is replacing Cider 14

0921 – Headhunter 40 is also in our Area of Operations (AO).

0930 – Colonel Knight arrived at command post (CP).

0942 – Air strike has been completed.

0945 – Headhunter 40 said the airstrikes blew apart a bunker YA 865980.

0947 – Cider 10 next airstrike is going in at YA 805827.

0950 – Are employing redleg into YA 865980 where headhunter spotted a bunker.

0951 – Old SRP 11 at YA 831965.

0955 – Old SPR 11 closed A Co position.

0959 – Colonel Knight departed the CP.

1002 – Are getting more incoming. Three rounds.

1015 – Call Brigade for a dustoff to standby.

1020 – Dustoff estimated time of arrival (ETA) 25 minutes. Call sign 30.

1021 – Are also getting small arms from the east finger where SRP 12 had the contact yesterday.

1050 – Cider 10 has two fighters going into the north of our location.

1100 – Suspected enemy position YA 853986. The next set of fighters are dropping on that grid.

1105 – Dustoff picked up first load. Five individuals WIA.

1110 – A slick also took out some of the WIAs. Three individuals. Have six more WIAs and one KIA to get out.

1122 – Arc Light 7161-P has just been dropped.

1135 – Incoming has stopped at this time.

1150 – Dustoff has picked up the rest of the WIAs.

1200 – Final total of WIAs 13 & one KIA.

1210 – About 25 to 30 rounds of 82mm

1222 – Headhunter said he spotted a mortar tube & then lost it. Cider 10 put the airstrike where they thought they saw the tube.

1226 – Alpha Company new SRP 11 & 12 SP this location (LZ Swinger).

1228 – Cider 10 is being replaced by Cider 15.

1300 – A Co SRP 12 is at YA 831958. SRP 11 is at YA 832965.

1324 – A Co SRP 12 is at YA 831956. SRP 11 in night location at YA 828963.

1327 – Cider 15 has an airstrike going in at 1330 – 1335 – 1345 time.

1405 – A Co SRP 12 is at YA 831955.

1420 – Task Force Swift from grid YA 824858 has two tubes to the southeast & the rounds are hitting outside their perimeter.

1421 – Cider 15 reports of having two secondaries on his one run to the north of this location. Thinks it was mortar rounds cooking off.

1422 – Task Force Swift has reported four rounds of incoming. Two far out & two a little closer. 82mm.

1426 – Redleg are being employed.

1430 – Charlie Company patrol #1 has departed C Co location (Hill 947)

1439 – Cider 15 (FAC) will do some recon by fire at YA 820857.

1440 – Incoming at LZ Swinger YA 836965.

1445 – We are getting incoming from the southwest at LZ Swinger YA 836965. The incoming is believed to be 105mm.

1447 – SRP 11 of A Co reports that he hears something on 160 degree azimuth & the perimeter is on a 50 degree azimuth.

1458 – Headhunter 46 reports he see a mortar tube at YA 832978 also NVA in the open.

1507 – SRP 12 night location is YA 827953.

1513 – Cider 13 reported in on Command A.

1551 – Cider 13 will be putting an airstrike at YA 832798 & on the finger of LZ Swinger.

1605 – Headhunter reported secondaries on the airstrike at YA 832978.

1610 – Cider 13 (FAC) said he will be putting another set of fighters at YA 868890.

1622 – Cider 13 (FAC) reported airstrikes complete.

1625 – Cider 13 (FAC) reported he is getting secondaries from northwest of LZ Swinger. Fireballs 15 meters wide.

1630 – Task Force Swift said the last incoming they had was about 45 minutes ago & suspected mortar position YA 823857.

1645 – Task Force Swift received a total of seven rounds of incoming.

1650 – Bravo Company patrol #1 has departed their location (Hill 947).

1656 – We are getting incoming at LZ Swinger from the north/northwest.

1700 – Incoming stop coming from YA 823975.

1715 – The incoming is believed to be coming from YA 832975.

1716 – Cider 13 said that Cav have been notified about our incoming and will take a look at YA 832975.

1736 – C Co Patrol #1 & B Co Patrol #1 closed their location.

1739 – Task Force Swift reported finding one body belonging to 3-8 Infantry engineers. It was south of their landing zone (LZ).

1800 – Delta Company patrol #1 has departed D Co location (Hill 947).

1816 – Cider 13 (FAC) reported that airstrike ordinances was six bombs, eight napalms, 20mm but secondaries 

1828 – D Co ambush patrol has reached YA ???????

1829 – We have incoming at LZ Swinger. Three rounds so far.

1850 – No more incoming since 1830 hours at LZ Swinger.

1851 – The incoming at 1715 hours LZ Swinger received 10-12 rounds.

2000 – Delayed entry – Task Force Swift reports KIA they found of 3-8 Infantry was below head of fallen tree 30 meters south of LZ. Body was in sitting position, face disfigured, could only recognize GI by dog tags & equipment.

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